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Wordlike is a captivating word puzzle game that blends linguistic skills with strategic thinking. In this game, players are tasked with creating words from...

Wordlike Overview

Wordlike is a captivating word puzzle game that blends linguistic skills with strategic thinking. In this game, players are tasked with creating words from a grid of letters, often under time constraints or specific rules. The objective is to form valid words that score points or achieve certain goals, like filling out the grid or reaching a target score.


  • Letter Grid: Players start with a grid or set of letters. This grid can vary in size and shape, from simple 3x3 grids to larger, more complex arrangements.

  • Objective: The main goal is to form valid words using the letters provided. Depending on the game mode, players might need to reach a certain score, complete specific word patterns, or fill the entire grid.

  • Word Formation: Players create words by connecting adjacent letters in the grid. The connection can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, depending on the game rules.

  • Scoring: Words are scored based on length, complexity, or the inclusion of special tiles or letter multipliers. Some games might have a dictionary feature that validates words and checks for their validity.

How to play Wordlike

Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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