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Word Transformer

Word Transformer is a word puzzle game where players transform one word into another by changing a single letter at a time. The challenge is to make a series...

Word Transformer Overview

Word Transformer is a word puzzle game where players transform one word into another by changing a single letter at a time. The challenge is to make a series of valid English words with each transformation, starting with a given word and ending with the target word.


  • Start with a Given Word: Players begin with an initial word (e.g., "CAT").
  • Change One Letter at a Time: To progress toward the target word (e.g., "DOG"), the player can change one letter per turn, ensuring that each intermediate word is valid (e.g., CAT → COT → DOT → DOG).
  • Reach the Target Word: The goal is to reach the target word in the fewest steps or changes.

How to play Word Transformer

Use the arrow keys or click to highlight/select the letter.

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