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Strands Archive

Strands Archive is an innovative puzzle game that takes a unique approach to the genre by blending time manipulation with classic problem-solving elements.

Strands Archive Overview

Strands Archive is an innovative puzzle game that takes a unique approach to the genre by blending time manipulation with classic problem-solving elements. In this game, players are given the fascinating ability to revisit previous days to unravel puzzles and uncover solutions that are not immediately apparent.


The core gameplay revolves around the Strands mechanism, where players can access and interact with past versions of the game world. This mechanic allows you to observe how the environment and situations have evolved, providing critical insights and clues that are essential for solving complex puzzles. By moving back and forth through different days, you can piece together fragmented information and explore different outcomes to find the ultimate solution.


The game features a range of intricate puzzles, each requiring careful consideration of both the present and past contexts. As you progress, you'll need to use your time-traveling ability strategically to manipulate events, discover hidden elements, and solve increasingly challenging conundrums.

Strands Archive stands out for its thoughtful integration of time travel into puzzle design, creating a rich and engaging experience that encourages players to think creatively and strategically. The interplay between past and present adds depth to the gameplay, making each puzzle a unique and rewarding challenge.

How to play Strands Archive

Using Mouse and Keyboard.

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